Thursday, March 27, 2014

Challenges of the week: Spiral out & Tackle It Tuesday

I have lots of tiles to share! But here are just three. 

Diva Challenge #160: Spiral Out, Keep Going

The Diva's string theory challenge had a song associated with it, but darned if I know what it's from. 

So here's my tile. I really enjoyed doing this tile, but I haven't been inspired to do others with the spiral. I think it's too open-ended for me. Too many choices! Rain was calling me, as was Mooka, which is often a challenge in itself!

Tackle It Tuesday: Tangles starting with E

This is my first "TIT" (giggle, giggle) for Cheryl's Tackle It Tuesday challenge. I enjoyed this! I got to know some of the tangles by name, and practice ones that I may have skipped over or not put much thought into after finishing the "One Zentangle a Day" book (Beckah Krahula).  

Tangles used are Enyshou, Eke, Ennies and Echoism.

New tangle! Mystery step outs!

In a recent post/email newsletter from Zentangle founders, Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, a new tangle was announced -- Rixty!

Only Certified Zentangle Teachers were given the step-outs so far, so I had to take a guess. And I think I may have gotten it ....

On the homefront

The days are getting longer, and even though the air is still so cold (18 degrees F this morning), I can smell spring in the air. It's coming.

I've been struggling with having a lot of different things on my plate. There are worse problems to have, I suppose, than to be too busy and easily overwhelmed. I find that I really like to start new projects, new websites, new whatevers but then I get bored or I figure something out and I'm ready to move on to the next. 

Here's to focus. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. I love that you used Rain in a spiral. It looks great. Yes, you did Rixty perfectly. It really is a fun tangle and you can do a lot with it.

    1. Thank you, Jean! The more I see others use Rixty, the more I realize how versatile it is!

  2. These are very beautiful, my favorite is the second one. Like you, I love to start new projects (or whatever) and then get bored and moving to the next. Are you an Aries?

    1. Thanks Anne! I'm a Gemini. We get bored easily. :)

  3. Wow, you've been busy, your zentangle work is awesome, you're achieving great balance and contrast in your work. I love what you've done for TIT (giggle giggle), you've achieved such harmony between all your tangles.

  4. Love the way you used rain in your spiral! Awesome shading. Nice work on Rixty too!

  5. All three are wonderful! Especially I like the third one! Great choice of tangles!


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