Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Truffle Diva Challenge & Tackle It Tuesday tiles

Hello from hot-and-sticky Massachusetts! It's summer in New England so that means it will be 90 degrees with 90% humidity for 3 days, then it changes. People love to talk about weather. 

I'm sitting on the floor in the living room, partly watching TED Talks, with my hubby. Ever watch those? I highly suggest checking them out. So inspiring on so many different topics. 

I'm inspired by newness and inspiration. I loved exploring the new tangle called Truffle by Caroline Broady, CZT, a young woman who was the guest blogger for the Diva's challenge this week.

I tried it out and incorporated some variations of Truffle in this tile below. This tile is ALSO my entry for Cheryl's Tackle It Tuesday (for the letter T). The tangle, Sez, is in this tile too... so it's not entirely a T-tangle-only tile, but I beg forgiveness.

Speaking of Tackle It Tuesday, here's my tile for the week of S tangles with Sprinkle, Stricles, Scarabou, Shattuck and Swarm.



  1. Both tiles are so very beautiful! Have you seen this Ted Talk:

    1. Anne, that was SO wonderful. My heart is full and resonating with a YES to its truth! Thank you for sharing this with me! :) Ubuntu!

  2. Great tiles. Nice shading, and great tangle combinations.

  3. What fun to fall into your tiles and explore all the nooks and crannies! I love how you have made the tangles flow in and around each other. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Cath! Nooks and crannies--deeeelicious! Thank YOU for your feedback.

  4. Both are wonderful! Great harmonious use of the tangles and lovely shading!

  5. Both tiles are great! Love the tangleations you used with truffle.

  6. Nice variations of Truffle. Like the shading that you did in both pieces. It adds so much character to both pieces.

  7. Like the different ways you've used truffle in your T tile. The S tile is neat too. I love Stricles. and your Shattuck is great.


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