Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bright Owl Zendala Dare #92

This was my first shot at a Bright Owl Zendala Dare, even though I've seen her templates around and the work that others have done. I enjoyed this a lot! 

I was inspired by Bright Owl's post for #92 where she said that she tried something different by not filling in the "obvious" shapes. So I did similar.

I too started with the four-pointed star shapes, but rounded them out. I kept the tips of the stars, with bottom-rounded triangle shapes.

The rest began to evolve. I found that I didn't use many recognizable Zentangle patterns, except for Betweed ....

... and Fidget.

Here's the final. It's about 4.5" square. I haven't shaded it. I may photocopy and add color later.



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